Saturday 16 January 2016


Isaiah 46:6
Even to your old age… I am he who will sustain you.
Isaiah 46:6
Doctor Marian Diamond, a researcher in aging, found that deliberately induced challenges are required to keep our brains healthy and functioning.
Illustration: In one experiment, a group of lab rats had food brought to them and all there did was eat, while another group had obstacles placed in front of their dishes/food. The rats that had to overcome challenges learned to solve problems more proficiently than the comfortable rats. The fewer problems a rat experienced, the faster its brain went downhill.

What does this tell you? Laziness is the worst, please sit back and put in a little more thought to this: Former president Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, He does not appear to be aging much yeah? You know, considering how long he appears to have been around. #wink. You know why? He constantly challenges himself to do more, to want to do more, never relaxing more than necessary, never chilling, why should young and vibrant ones spend more than 4 hours a week chilling? When there’s so much to be done! so much!

 Aliko Dangote? For the past 15years, He only gets better, fresher and kinda younger, makes everyone look forward to being middle age yeah? I know what you’re thinking, these guys are rich, yes there are, no doubt, however, did they get rich by sitting out/ hanging out in their teens or in their “young adulthood”? Did they watch so much TV? I am sure not; I for one, I watch too much television. Does this mean one shouldn’t relax? By all mean please do, only if you don’t any important activity or plan to engage in. however, I pray us to work work work, engage in meaningful activities , you would have the rest of your life to relax when you deem fit, now is the time to work, to gather, to plant. At this age you should work to learn not to earn, it’s funny when a regular graduate wants to be paid N 250.000 monthly in an actual job, not a public service office, forgetting that to be paid N 250.000 monthly, the value he/she should add / bring to the firm has to be worth well over N 620.000 monthly… this is a subject for a different time.
Exercise: Now am sure they are a lot of aged men in your environment,, go take a closer look, look out for two, isolate and observe them. (In your heart) don’t go about kidnapping the elderly please #wink, now pick out one who sits around doing nothing but wait for his or her monthly pension, and another who constantly challenges himself on almost daily basis, on jobs/works that we the young ones consider as “suffering” now monitor these two individuals or groups over the months/ years and see how fast the idle one deteriorates mentally as well as physically.

Back to our research: They also discovered that if you put twelve rats together in a cage, and gave them challenges ,their brain develop not entirely faster but better than when they had to face the same obstacle in isolation/alone. ‘This points to the need for communal living and association, our lives are made so much easier when we people live together peacefully and in harmony, contributing their respective quotas to the society’.

Back to our research: When researchers ran the same experiment that were 600 days old and older (the equivalent of 60 human years), the results were the same. The rats actually lived to be 800 days old and at this time, the researchers decided to show the rats love. The rodents had the same challenges as before, but afterwards, researchers would pick them up, hold them against their lab coats, pet them and speak very kindly. They would say “you are one sweet sweet rat, you now that?” or whatever it is you say to a persistent and outstanding rat. When they did this, these creatures did more than brake the 800days barrier. At 904 days, not only were they alive, they continually developed. The fact is they developed more mental resilience under challenging conditions because they were part of a community, whereas isolation caused their brain power to diminish. The basic fact is; to age well, you need a God given challenge, love, and good relationships.
Let the Nigerian people live in communion, in love, in peace and in fellowship with God together.  
Dale Carnegie: don’t critise, don’t condem, don’t complain. If you must, do these in love; if not just find a way to fix the issue instead.

(A Russian was in the market for brains on the black market, actual human brains (if you were wondering) and before him, were three brains up for sale, the merchant pointed out to the first brain being a German brain, valued at 63.000 (thousand) pounds, the second, an American brain valued at 58.000 (thousand) pounds and a Nigerian brain, valued at 27.000.000 (million) pounds, the Russian buyer goes on to ask why the Nigerian brain is so expensive, the merchants says” oh its brand new, it’s never being used “
Hence the potentials are all untapped and locked up waiting to be explored. Get it?
“One time, in an argument, a colleague said to me ‘oh yes, I know your brain is  very expensive’, I felt good , really good, until I came across the piece above”.
Warm regards

1 comment:

  1. "Some ways of challenging yourself though are better than others. The best ones in my view are the ones that meet 3 fundamental conditions:

    They take you out of your comfort zone without putting you in serious danger;
    They provide you an intense, accelerated learning experience; and
    They help you develop skills and attitudes that are highly valuable to you in life.

    'Aim High in Your Career, in your area of interest, your passion, your skill,acquire and develop new ones...'

    Big, bold career goals can really challenge you and help you grow as a person. But I’m not talking about theoretical goals though that you dream of achieving, all the while spending most of your time watching TV. I’m talking about well-defined career goals that you work to achieve.

    These goals can relate to the amount of money you make, the number of people you impact through your work, the role you play in a company, or the magnitude of the projects you manage. Whatever floats your boat.

    The main point is that by setting and pursing such goals, you will be forced to develop as a person. You’ll need to study, to develop your expertise in your field, to innovate and to take calculated risks. All of this implies unbelievable self-growth.

    In order to have a huge impact through your work, you have to become the kind of person who can deliver a lot of value. It takes time, patience and strategy to get there, it really challenges you, but it’s a worthwhile task"

    reference: at
