Wednesday 27 January 2016

The secret of living forever. We only live as long as we are remembered…

We only live as long as we are remembered…

Is Abel of the bible alive or dead? Is Enoch alive or dead, is Joseph alive or dead, to the Muslims, is Prophet Mohamed alive or dead?
The next time you plug an ear piece to your ears or a head set to your ears, think about them all… is Apostle Paul of the New Testament dead or alive? Are the disciples dead or alive, to mention but a few.
Think of loved ones, there are only dead to you if you stop thinking about them, your other siblings or relative maybe thinking about them and how much influence they had been in their lives, as long as their influence is still felt on earth, they remain alive. How do we know a president from a regular citizen? Influence …. If someone came from a place, off the grid, a place with zero information and exposure, and this individual has no idea who Buhari is, what would be the determining factor in telling him that this good looking Hausa man must be very important? Influence, yes that’s right. He sees everyone been affected by the decisions Buhari makes and how no one is paying attention to the man talking across the street. Influence is everything.
Hence, we ought to live our lives, affecting people positively daily, if we ever want to stand a chance of being remembered long after we are out of sight or out of this earth.
The big question is…How we do live?…
Get an insight on the next post please…

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We look forward to your question and inputs to better our lives.


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