Monday 11 January 2016

We all have dreams and we all pray to achieve our dreams, definitely for the serious minded individuals, concerted steps are taken to actualize these dreams, Let's go the extra mile and take a step further to give helping hands to others. Help each other achieve our dreams? ‪#‎IMPACTWORLDTEAM‬, it's kinda our responsibility, it's our passion, it's our dream, it a mission we are committed to fulfill by the Grace of God. Join us, Let's make our world a better place, Let's make our generation one to be remembered. We can if we say we can.

We derive joy from making others happy, putting smiles on the faces of others; we are proudly ‪#‎IMPACTWORLDTEAM‬ # God bless this dream. Yala ,Cross River State here we come.

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